Making the GAPS Diet work for you and your family.

Take control of your wellness, one bite at a time.

I’m Gina Giarmo

A Certified GAPS Nutrition coach and soon to be Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with a passion for helping families and their kids nourish a joyful relationship with food and life.

I’m here to help tailor GAPS to your needs

I’ll help you navigate the GAPS protocol in a way that supports you and your family. Whether it’s walking through each stage of GAPS or adding nourishing cooking techniques to your kitchen routine, I’ll help you discover and listen to what your body needs each day to live well. 

“Gina gifted me the chance to feel empowered, hopeful, educated, strong and supported. She explained how different foods heal (and also hurt) my gut, and helped me through my 2nd trimester of pregnancy with UC & IBD ”


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